Ghost Recon Wiki
See also for Villa Verde Kingslayer Files

Villa Verde is the Bolivian province of the Santa Blanca Drug Cartel's pyrolusite mine which is used to make their cocaine a pure white colour. The buchon in charge is El Wey.

Villa Verde is described as:
Broad fertile valleys in the heart of the jungle.

It is surrounded by Espiritu Santo from the north, Ocoro from the west and Caimanes in the south.

The following missions take place in Villa Verde:


This province follows the high, jungle-covered valley of Rio Habana. The valley has allowed the construction of an important road and of secondary roads. The river is used as a communication way. This accessibility facilitated the creation of a large capital city in the heart of the jungle: Villa Verde. Other settlements are the small town La Marqueza and the villages of Marco and Palmeras. Marqueza and Maco are dedicated to coca activity, Palmeras relies on fishing. Human activity is focused on the coca culture. The fields are cultivated in clearings carved in the jungle by the cocaleros themselves.

This province has always been the heart of coca culture. The main coca market, where cocaleros from Villa Verde and other provinces came, was found in the center of the city. Today, the Santa Blanca buys all the coca production on the Villa Verde market. Coca bags are sent under heavy guard to Ocore labs. The syndicate of cocaleros built there one of its national headquarters, where El Yayo worked as syndicate manager of cocaleros.

Santa Blanca has developed another activity, a pyrolusite mine and the necessary labs to refine the extracted ore. This mine has become as precious to the cartel as coca production in Villa Verde. Sueno handed El Wey the responsibility to install a modern mine and associated labs. Ambitious and efficient, the Mexican has rapidly reached his objectives with the help of engineers from Barvechos Plata.

Today the mine produces about twenty tons of Pyrolusite per week. The ore is sent to labs installed in the province where cartel chemists work under El Wey’s supervision. There, they create part of the chemical precursors that allow cocaine synthesis. Chemical precursors are submitted to a very restrictive legislation that handicaps cartels. It is difficult for them to get some without corrupting many people. So for the cartels it is more cost-efficient to produce some of these precursors themselves, such as Ammoniac, Permanganate of Potassium, Acetone, Ether, Ethyl and, Hydrochloric acid.

Once produced, these chemical precursors are sent under high guard to cocaine and coca paste labs in Ocoro.

